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Champagne Marie-Courtin

Champagne, France

Dominique Moreau, inspired by her grandmother Marie Courtin's dedication to the land, started for project in 2005, focusing on a 2.5-hectare plot in Polisot, Aube. Nowadays around 4 hectares are being worked on. Here, she cultivates biodynamic vineyards, meticulously tending to each parcel with organic practices. Dominique's approach is rooted in her deep connection to nature, reflected in her spiritual use of pendulums to guide vineyard and cellar practices.

Situated in the Côte des Bars, her estate benefits from Kimmeridgian limestone soils akin to those of Chablis, fostering the ideal conditions for Pinot Noir. Dominique's commitment to terroir-driven wines is evident in her single-vineyard, single-variety, single-vintage Champagnes, crafted without dosage to showcase purity and precision.

Her vineyard work emphasizes biodiversity, with a focus on massale selection and a holistic view of the ecosystem. Dominique's wines, including her renowned cuvées Résonance and Éfflorescence, express the unique character of each plot, marrying power with elegance.

Beyond winemaking, Dominique's ethos extends to her sustainable lifestyle, embodying a harmony between farming and living in tune with nature. With a limited production of 20,000 bottles annually, each bottle of Marie Courtin Champagne is a testament to Dominique's unwavering dedication to crafting exceptional wines rooted in tradition, terroir, and respect for the earth.

Champagne Marie-Courtin' wines

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